I am committed to respecting your privacy. I recognize your need for appropriate protection and management of personally identifiable information you may choose to share with me. That is why I've established this privacy policy. I want you to understand the care with which I treat your personal information.
You can, of course, visit this web site without telling me who you are or revealing any personal informaiton about yourself.
I hate spam as much as you do, perhaps even more. I don't like getting it my inbox and I hate that the constant stream of it makes it more difficult to communicate with customers, colleagues, partners, and other people who would like to benefit from informaiton. I promise you that I will in no way sell, lend, or in any way make available any personal information that is shared with me. Any informaiton collected is soley for my own feedback and communication purposes. Nothing else. I do not spam nor do I facilitate spam.
If you decide you no longer wish to receive a newsletter, podcast, or any other form of communication, tell me and you'll never hear from me again.
If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.
- Bryan Peterson